Halloween Pumpkin witchDIY,DIY Halloween,diy sfx,Do it yourself,easy,easy halloween,easy sfx,easy wounds,elmers glue,elmers school glue

No ideas for Halloween? Too little time to prepare? No money?

Just make your own realistic Halloween wounds.

You only need Elmers school glue, some cotton and a little makeup 🙂

Check out more

Halloween Pumpkin witch2018,2019,555 ideas,beauty channel,best halloween makeup,cool halloween ideas,costume,DIY,diy makeup,dyi

So here is TOP 15 Cool DIY Halloween Makeup IDEAS and GRWM DYI Costumes 2018 THAT WILL TOTALLY SHOCK YOUR FRIENDS

CREDITS (instagram):

0:00 @marioncameleon
1:05 @jbptutorials
2:13 @jbptutor