Adorable Young Canines

Come As You Are: A Look at Kira, the Internet’s Funniest Shikoku Dog

Kira the Shikoku Dog has become quite the celebrity on the web, known for her quirky expressions and hilarious antics. The Shikoku breed, originating from Japan, is a medium-sized hunting dog with a loyal and energetic personality. Kira, however, has taken this to the next level with her funny dog pictures and viral dog photos. Let’s take a closer look at Kira and why she has become such a beloved and popular figure on the internet.

Kira’s Rise to Internet Fame

Kira’s owners, who go by the username “funny_shikoku" on Instagram, started sharing pictures and videos of their beloved dog back in 2018. They didn’t expect the overwhelming response they would receive from people all around the world. Kira’s goofy expressions and playful nature captured the hearts of many, and soon she became a viral sensation. Her Instagram page quickly gained thousands of followers, and her popularity continued to grow.

Kira’s Personality

Apart from her funny dog pictures, Kira is known for her quirky personality. According to her owners, Kira is a very vocal dog who loves to communicate with them in her own unique way. She’s also a very loyal and protective pup, always keeping an eye on her family. Kira enjoys playing fetch, going on walks, and spending time with her owners. She’s also quite clever, able to figure out puzzles and challenges quickly.

Kira’s Social Media Presence

Kira’s owners have done an excellent job of managing her social media presence, using hashtags like #kira and #funnyshikoku to gain more attention. They also incorporate popular memes and trends into their content, adding a humorous twist to Kira’s photos and videos. One example is the recent trend of recreating the “Come As You Are" McDonald’s commercial with the French hashtag #VenezCommeVousEtes. Kira’s version, titled “Come As You Bark," features her dressed up in a McDonald’s uniform and holding a sign that says “Welcome to McDonald’s. Bark if you’re hungry!" The video has gained thousands of views and shares, further increasing Kira’s online presence.

Kira’s Impact

While Kira is primarily loved for her funny dog pictures and silly antics, she has also created a community of people who share their love for Shikoku dogs and other pets. Her owners regularly interact with their followers, answering questions and sharing tips on how to care for a Shikoku. Kira has also become a symbol of positivity and lightheartedness during a time when many people are feeling anxious and stressed. Her funny dog pictures and videos provide a much-needed distraction and source of entertainment for many people.

In Conclusion

Kira, the internet’s funniest Shikoku dog, has captured the hearts of people all around the world with her quirky facial expressions and playful personality. Her funny dog pictures have made her a viral sensation, and her owners have done an excellent job of managing her social media presence to increase her online presence. Kira has become more than just a funny dog, she has created a community of people who share their love for pets and provide a source of positivity and humor during challenging times.


Q: What breed of dog is Kira?
A: Kira is a Shikoku dog, which is a medium-sized hunting dog originating from Japan.

Q: What makes Kira famous?
A: Kira is famous for her quirky facial expressions and playful personality, which are captured in her funny dog pictures and viral dog photos.

Q: What has Kira’s social media presence done?
A: Kira’s social media presence has created a community of people who share their love for Shikoku dogs and other pets. She has also provided a source of positivity and entertainment during a time of stress and uncertainty.