Hey guys!! So this is a recreated look from the AMAZING makeup artist @sammylovesfossas – she did this look last year and I thought it’d be awesome to try it on myself!! I’ll of course be doing more looks that are my original creations but again, almost every halloween look is inspired by someone else’s work! It’s almost impossible to be original because we’re trying to satisfy your requests and give you guys what you want to see but everything y’all ask for has been done by many people already, so it’s challenging to be original and creative while also giving everyone what they wanna see. Hope that makes sense haha. But yeah I realize this makeup only looks cool when you shut your eyes but perhaps you could cut out some black mesh material and use the spirit gum to stick it over your eyes in the shape of the eyeball so you could still see while having the entire eye space black! Just a thought 😛 Who knows if that’ll work haha or just buy expensive black sclera lenses 😛 Anyways, hope you enjoyed and hashtag #alisonlovesjb on instagram so I can find your recreations if you decide to do this for halloween 🙂
Bald Cap (
Spirit Gum
Elmers Glue Stick
Ben Nye Banana Powder
Kat Von D Lock It Tattoo Foundation
White Cream Makeup (
MUFE Pro Finish Powder
Sigma Eyeliner in Vintage
Matte Grey Shadow from BH Cosmetics 120 Palette 1st edition
Black Face Paint + Sigma Gel Liner in Wicked
Black Matte Shadow was “Black" from Lorac Pro Palette
Sigma Eclipse Black Liner
Contour shade was Fawn from the Anastasia Bev Hills Contour Kit
Stila Stay All Day Liquid Liner
Black Hooded Cape (
♥SIGMA DISCOUNT CODE: OCT2014 (will be valid for 10% off your entire order throughout October!!
(this is an affiliate link!)
◆twitter and instagram: @alisonhenryy @alisonlovesjbofficial
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◆business inquiries can email me at [email protected]
🎥 Camera I use: Canon Rebel T3i
💻 What I use to edit: Final Cut Pro on Macbook Pro
FTC Disclaimer: Thank you to PartyCity for supplying some of the items for this Halloween Look!!
THANK YOUUUUU ♡ God Bless!!!
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Korean Movie 맛있는 비행 (A Delicious Flight, 2015) 예고편 (Trailer) A Delicious Flight , Korean Movie , 맛있는 비행 , 손덕기 , 정유진 , 한국 영화
맛있는 비행 예고편
A Delicious Flight Trailer
▶ 장르(Genre) : 로맨스(Romance)
▶ 감독(Director) : 최상훈(Choi Sang-hun)
▶ 출연(Cast) : 손덕기(Son Deok-ki), 정유진(Jung Yu-jin), 정현수(Jung Hyun-su), 신유주(Shin Yoo-ju)
▶ 줄거리(Synopsis) : 청순가련의 대명사였지만 아이돌과의 섹스 스캔들로 도망친 여배우, 그녀의 모든 커리어를 망쳐 버린 발랑 까진 아이돌, 그녀에게 절대 충성하는 열혈 매니저, 그리고 이제는 섹시한 승무원이 된 매니저의 전 여친까지! 절대 만나선 안 될 네 사람이 비행기 안에서 마주치는데…(An innocent actress runs away from the scandal with an idol, the impudent idol that ruined her career, a passionate manager who is devoted to her and his ex-girlfriend who is now a sexy stewardess.)
▶ 개봉일(Release Date) : 2015년 10월 22일(Release Date in Korea : 2015/10/22)
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#Repost @xxsweetest_poisonxx with @get_repost
*Werbung* *Enthält kein Nikoti… blondegirl , colorpop , dampfen , ecig , ejuice , fotografie , girl , girlswithtattoos , hayvanjuice , highclasscrew , ink , inked , inkedgirls , liquid , piercings , Repost , smile , style , tattoo , tattoo cream , tattoo girl , tattooed , tattooedgirls , tattoogirl , TattooModel , Tattoos , vapegirls , vapelife , vapemodels , vapeon , wig
#Repost @xxsweetest_poisonxx with @get_repost
*Werbung*😜 *Enthält kein Nikotin*
. hatte auf der Vaperscom in Oberhausen das neue Hayvan Liquid “Cok Güzel" vorgestellt, habt ihr es dort probiert? Mögt ihr es? Ein fruchtiger beerenmix mit leichter Frische 😃 .
. ❤️
@wotofoofficial ❤️
Schaut doch auch bei @deluxe_dampfen und den anderen #highclasscrew Mitgliedern vorbei ❤️
#hayvanjuice #girlswithtattoos #inkedgirls #inked #ink #colorpop #vapegirls #girl #tattoos #piercings #tattooedgirls #tattooed #smile #wig #liquid #ejuice #vapeon #vapemodels #tattoo #style #blondegirl #tattoomodel #fotografie #dampfen #vapelife #tattoogirl #ecig
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Dermal anchor…
#pure_ink_tattoo #dermalanchors #dermal #professio… dermal , dermalanchors , piercer , piercinggirl , piercinglifestyle , piercinglove , piercings , piercingsworks , professional , pure_ink_tattoo , safepiercing , tattoo and piercing , tattooandpiercing , tattoos for women
Dermal anchor…
(Εμφύτευμα) 💉💉
#pure_ink_tattoo #dermalanchors #dermal #professional #safepiercing #piercingsworks #tattooandpiercing #piercings #piercinglove #piercer #piercinglifestyle #piercinggirl
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Обновление цвета бровей через год
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#Repost @co51m0
Made by @Image.Downloader
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Ballgag #traditionaltattoo #ba… 412 , ballgag , bondage , girlswithtattoos , goliathneedles , inkedgirls , inkedmodel , patattoos , pghtattooer , pittsburghtattoo , pittsburghtattooartist , Repost , tattoo convention tampa , tattooedgirls , tattooedwomen , tattoos for women , tattoosforwomen , traditionaltattoo , tts_bodybalm , womenwithtattoos
#Repost @co51m0
Made by @Image.Downloader
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Ballgag #traditionaltattoo #ballgag #bondage #tattoosforwomen #girlswithtattoos #tattooedgirls #womenwithtattoos #tattooedwomen #inkedmodel #inkedgirls #pittsburghtattoo #pittsburghtattooartist #goliathneedles #tts_bodybalm @goliathneedles @tts_bodybalm @bleed4me_ #412 #pittsburghtattooartist #pghtattooer #patattoos
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#tattoos #tattooarmsleeve #tattooarms #tattoomodels #纹身 #花臂纹身 #香港 #tattoostyle #… knifetattoo , tattoo arm sleeve , tattoo pain chart , tattoo_artwork , tattooarms , tattooarmsleeve , tattooculture , tattooist , tattooknife , tattoomodels , Tattoos , tattoos_of_instagram , tattoosketch , tattoostyle , tattootime , tattoowork , 纹身 , 花臂纹身 , 香港
#tattoos #tattooarmsleeve #tattooarms #tattoomodels #纹身 #花臂纹身 #香港 #tattoostyle #tattooist #tattoo_artwork #tattoosketch #tattootime #tattoos_of_instagram #tattooculture #tattoowork #tattooknife #knifetattoo @djdiegomiranda
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Перманентный макияж губ. Сразу после.
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Админи… duranbar , moscow , moscowcity , moscowdays , permanentmakeup , permanentmakeupartist , pmu , tatooagevolgograd , tattoo age , tattoo concealer , tattooage , volgograd , бровиволгоград , бровимосква , волгоград , волоски , губыволгоград , красивыйтатуаж , лазерноеудаление , москва , панинакристина , перманентволгоград , перманентмосква , перманентныймакияж , стрелочки , татуаж , татуажбровей , татуажвек , татуажволгоград , татуажгуб , татуажмосква , теневаятехника
Перманентный макияж губ. Сразу после.
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Администратор +7-(960)-882-16-02
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Це одне з перших питань, які задають мої клієнти. Боляче, чи ні?⠀
На малюнку Ви … brikolag , tattoo , tattoo cream , tattoo pain chart , tattoo_studio_brikolag , tattooart , tattoopainchart , tattooternopil , ternopil , ternopiltattoo , картаболи , татуировка , татунаноге , татунаруке , татутернопіль , тернопіль , тернопільтату
Це одне з перших питань, які задають мої клієнти. Боляче, чи ні?⠀
На малюнку Ви бачите ділянки тіла і їх чутливість.⠀
Звичайно це боляче, дорого і назавжди!!!😈⠀
(хоча і не дуже боляче і не дуже дорого)) і зараз вже можна видалити лазарем, навіть без шрамів – тобто і не назавжди)))😂⠀
Але є дійсно деякі ділянки, на яких я не раджу робити перше тату.⠀
Це шия, хребет, ребра, лікоть, коліна, згини рук та ніг і звичайно ерогенні зони. Дехто все одно вирішує робити тату саме там і трохи шкодує під час процесу,😜 але все роблять.⠀
За час моєї практики, (а це вже 10 років) траплялися, до речі доволі часто, коли робота на дуже болючому місці сприймалася клієнтом дуже легко. Тому я більш схиляюся до думки, що больовий поріг – це все дуже індивідуальне. Когось комар вкусив – він 3 дні чухається, а комусь усю спину малюю 3 дні – питаю болить? – та трошки, каже… 😂😂😅⠀
А які речі небажано робити перед процедурою, а які бажано – я розкажу у наступних постах 😉⠀ #tattoo_studio_brikolag #tattoo #tattoopainchart #tattooart #ternopil #tattooternopil #ternopiltattoo #тернопіль #татутернопіль #тернопільтату #татунаруке #татуировка #татунаноге #brikolag #картаболи
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#travel #travelphotography #travelholic #travelling #converse #eiffe… art , beach , beachbody , beachlife , converse , dannish , eiffeltower , europe , europetrip , followforfollowback , france , german , like4follow , like4likes , likeforfollow , likeforlikes , paris , photographer , photoshoot , Repost , Skin art , snow , statue , summer , tattoo , tattoo ideas , tattooideas , TRAVEL , travelholic , travelling , travelphotography , winter
#Repost ・・・
#travel #travelphotography #travelholic #travelling #converse #eiffeltower #paris #france #europe #europetrip #winter #snow #art #tattoo #tattooideas #summer #beach #beachbody #beachlife #photoshoot #photographer #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #like4follow #like4likes #statue #dannish #german diamond
Choker 💎
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TATTOO CREATOR ☾ ALINE on Instagram: “U N A L O M E L O T U S #unalome #unalometattoo #lotus”
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How to tattoo – line work & Shading techniques – Tutorial for beginners [Real Time] Сolor fill in – YouTube
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40 Likes, 8 Comments – TATTOO CREATOR ☾ ALINE (Aline Coill) on Instagram: “U N A L O M E #unalome #unalometattoo”
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Top 18 Things To Do In Florida To Anyone鈥檚 Taste By: Glaminati Media | Updated: 09/17/2018
Things To Do In Florida To Enjoy The Trip
The list of things to do in Florida is endless, and we did an awesome job narrowing it down.
Florida has attractions to anyone鈥檚 taste. From sandy beaches with clear and warm water to wildlife reserves to museums and parks to exceptional architecture, everyone can find something exciting and unforgettable in this state.
Read on to pick the best places that you think are worth visiting and plan your trip to the sunny Florida state beforehand.
Click NEXT PAGE below to browse the gallery!
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