How To Grow Eyebrows Naturally And Fast

By: Glaminati Media | Updated: 09/14/2018

Fenugreek Seeds – Your Natural Helper

Fenugreek seeds have many benefits, and stimulating hair growth is one of them. It’s because of the hormones that these seeds contain. Plus, the seeds are rich in nicotinic acid and protein that assist in making every hair shaft stronger. As a result, your eyebrows won’t shed much. Use the seeds regularly, and you will notice that your brows grow faster, darker and shinier.

These seeds typically serve as ingredients for eyebrow serum or mask. The serum is applied overnight, while the mask should sit for one hour only.

The Miraculous Effect Of Olive Oil

Now let’s discuss how to grow eyebrows with olive oil because this method is really popular. Buy quality olive oil that is extra virgin.

The application is not difficult. Just pour some oil on the fingertip, massage the oil on the brows. Let the olive oil sit for several hours before washing it off, using lukewarm water and face wash.

For the visible results, this should be done one time every day for several weeks. The olive oil works effectively because it is rich in vitamins E and A that boost hair growth.